Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Semester 2 dan Jawabannya

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Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Semester 2 dan Jawabannya
(Kunci jawaban ditandai dengan huruf tebal, untuk file secara lengkap silahkan download pada link yang tersedia)

Pirate’s ringleader admits to murder
JAMBI: A pirate leader admitted, Wednesday, that his gang had been involved in six robberies and killed two police officers.

Itham Guntur, told police investigators that the gang consisted of six people, all formers members of ship crews. ”Because we are all ex crew members, we know the major shipping lanes, such as Sunda straight and east Jambi coast very well,” he said.

Itham identified the murdered officers as Brigadier General Mulyadi from south Sumatra police and Brigadier General Kennedy from the Jakarta police.

The pirates targeted cargo ships, fishing boats and oil tankers. Antara
1.  According to the text, which statement is true?
A.The pirate’s ringleader had been accused of murderer.
B.The members of the pirates were murderers.
C.The murder happened in Jambi last week.
D.Two police officers had been involved in six robberies.
E.  Itham Guntur was one of the two police officers who involved in the robbery.

2. The pronoun “he” in the second paragraph refers to?
A. Police officer
B. Itham Guntur
C. One of the ship crews
D. Ex-crew member
E. Brigadier General Mulyadi

3. The communicative purpose of the text is?
A. To tell the reader what really happened
B. To explain sequence of events
C. To amuse the readers with problematic events
D.To inform the readers about robberies and murderer in Jambi
E. To describe the murderers in south Sumatra

4.  A person who robs the cargo ships, fishing boats or oil tankers is called a/an?
A. Robbery
B. Police officer
C. Ship crew
D. Pirate
E. Ringleader

5.  The generic structure of the text is?
A. Orientation > Complication > Resolution > Re-Orientation
B. Orientation > Events > Re- Orientation
C. General Classification > Description
D. Identification > Description
E. Newsworthy Events > Background Events > Sources

Didit        :  “Who is that girl, Irfan ?”
Irfan        :  “She is my cousin” “Why?”
Didit        :  “She plays the guitar so well,…..?
Irfan        :   Sure, she plays it every day.
6.  The right tag to fill in the blank is…
A. hasn’t she
B. is he
C. don’t she
D. doesn’t she
E. does she

Bima       : ”Where were you last night, Alwan?”
Tito         :  ” I was in my bedroom”.
Bima       : ”You cleaned your bedroom at night,…….….?”
Tito         :  “How do you know?                 
Bima       :  ”I heard the noisy sound from your bedroom.”
7.  The right tag to fill in the blank is?
A. do you
B. didn’t you
C. doesn’t you
D. wasn’t you
E.  are you

Fakhry     :  “Roby was sleeping in English   class, last Tuesday………..?”
Ryan       : “Yes, you’re right, He always sleeps in every lesson.”
Fakhry     : “We all know. He is a sleeper.”
8.  The right tag to fill in the blank is?
A. didn’t he
B. was she
C. won’t he
D. weren’t he
E. wasn’t he

9.  The police arrested the men
The suitable change to the passive for the sentence is?
A.The men are being arrested by the police
B.The men were arrested by the police
C.The men was arrested by the police
D.The police has been arrested by the men
E. The men will be arrested by the police

10.  She takes a bath every morning
The suitable change to the passive for the sentence is?
A. Every morning a bath is being taken by her
B. A bath is taken by her every morning
C. A bath had been taken by her every morning
D. She was taken a bath every morning

11.  The tree is being planted by her in the yard now
The active of the sentence is?
A. My nephew plants the tree in the yard now
B. My uncle was planting the tree in the yard now
C. My niece is planting the tree in the yard now
D. My mother had planted the tree in the yard now

12.  Nadira and I sell the fruits in the market
The suitable change to the passive for the sentence is?
A. The fruits are selled by us in the market
B. The fruits are in the market sold by us
C. The fruits are sold by her and me in the market
D. In the market were sold the fruits by us
E. The fruits are sold by us in the market

13.  People sell his records all over the word
The suitable change to the passive for the sentence is?
A. His records are sold all over the word
B. His records were sold all over the world by the people
C. His records all over the world have sold
D. All over the world his records are being sold
E. People are sold his records all over the world

14.  Somebody open the school gate every morning
The suitable change to the passive for the sentence is?
A.The school gate is opened by them every morning
B The school gate is opened every morning
C.The school gate is opened by somebody every morning
D.The school gate is being opening by somebody every morning
E.The school gate is being opening by him every morning

15.  Mr. Frank and my uncle are fixing the cars in the garage now.
The suitable change to the passive for the sentence is?
A. The car will be fixed by them in the garage now.
B. The car is had been fixed by them in the garage now.
C. The car was being fixing by them in the garage now.
D. The cars are being fixed by them in the garage now.
E. The car is being fixed by them in the garage now.
Rizsa Faozsiyah
Hallo, soal yang ada di blog ini dapat kalian download secara gratis dan mudah pada link yang tersedia, enjoy and happy reading!

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