Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Semester 1 Kurikulum 2013

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Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Semester 1 Kurikulum 2013
(Soal secara lengkap silahkan download pada link yang tersedia)

Read Text 1 to answer questions 1 and 2

To Jasmine, our beloved classmate

Congratulation! Representing students of class 9F, we would like to congratulate you on your success to be the best student of SMP Tunas Bangsa this year. You deserve to get such a title due to your best learning achievements :
  • The highest scores of National Examination.
  • The best student in Semarang city level.
  • The winner of gold medal in National Science Olympiad.
  • We and form teacher, Mrs. Kusuma, are proud of you so much. 
Captain of class 9F, Ikhsan
1. The text is written ... on her success.
A. to congratulate Jasmine
B. to show students’ awareness
C. to express one’s attention inform Ikhsan’s achievement

2. Based on the text we can conclude that ….

A. Mrs. Kusuma is the principal of SMP Tunas Bangsa
B. Jasmine and Ikhsan are having National Examination
C. Jasmine has already finished her study at SMP Tunas Bangsa
D. Ikhsan congratulates Jasmine as she becomes a champion of International Science Olympiad

Read Text 2 to answer questions 3-5

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Andrew

Congratulation on your wedding. We all wish you a very happy marriage ever after.Be a sweet everlasting couple.
                                                                         Sincerely, Students of Seven A-D SMP 4 YK
3. To whom is the card written to?
A. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew
B. Wedding
C. Students of 7 A-D of SMP 4 YK
D. Wishing card

4. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To make a Wedding card
B. To invite Mr. and Mrs Andrew
C. To congratulate on Mr. and Mrs. Andrew’s marriage
D. To send a wishing card

5. What is the relationship between the writer and the receiver?

A. Parents – Children
B. Teacher – Students
C. Doctor – Patients
D. Headmaster – teachers

This text is for numbers 6 to 8

To: Hanif family

May you and your family find pace, love and much happiness to create countless memories in your new house.

Love, Laila
6. Who is the addressee?
A. Ones who have just got a new house.
B. Someone who has just sold a new house.
C. Someone who has just found a new dwelling.
D. Ones who have just moved to their new home.

7. Based on the text, we know that ….

A. Laila asks for Hanif’s best wishes to dwell his new home
B. Hanif and his family moved to their new home
C. Hanif’s family didn’t have a house before
D. Laila and Hanif are sister and brother

8. “... to create countless memory”

What does the underlined word mean?
A. Innumerable.
B. Specialized.
C. Numerous.
D. Valuable

9. A : “Yogyakarta is a nice city to live.”

B : “ I agree with you”.
This underlined sentence is used to express ... .
C. agreement

This text is for numbers 10

Sterile eye drops

INDICATION : Work effectively to relieve redness of eye or itch due to minor irritation that is caused of dust, smoke, after swimming, and so on.
DIRECTION FOR USE : Drops 1-2 drops for each eye 2-3 times a day or based on doctor advice or receipt.
DIRECTION FOR STORAGE : Store in the dry place less than 30°C temperature.
Close the container and keep from population. 
10. How must we store the medicine?
A. We must keep it in very dry temperature
B. We mustn’t store in the place more than 30 degree Celcius
C. We have to lock it in the hot container
D. we are forbidden to keep it properly

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Rizsa Faozsiyah
Hallo, soal yang ada di blog ini dapat kalian download secara gratis dan mudah pada link yang tersedia, enjoy and happy reading!

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