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Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Semester 1 Kurikulum 2013
There is a garden in my school. The garden is on the east side of the school building. Mr. Indarto is a gardener. He plants some fruit trees such as: mango, avocado, apple etc. he also plants some flowers such as: roses, jasmines and orchids. In the break time many students play in the garden.
1. Where is the location of the garden? It’s on the … side of the school building
A. east
B. west
C. south
D. north
2. How many flowers mentioned in the text?
A. 7
B. 6
C. 5
D. 3
3. He plants some fruit tress … (line 3) “He” refers to …
A. The writer
B. Mr. Indarto
C. The student
D. The garden
In –your –best –speech –on –congratulation –contest- performance!
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
4. A. 6-5-2-3-8-1-4-7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
B. 5-2-3-8-1-4-7-6
C. 2-3-8-1-4-7-6-5
D. 3-8-1-4-7-6-5-2
The students usually … (5) to library during the break of lesson. They can borrow or ... (6) the books. The students should … (7) the books on time or they have to ... (8) the fine if the books are late to return.
5. A. go
B. return
C. have
D. play
6. A. buy
B. have
C. sell
D. read
7. A. buy
B. have
C. return
D. sell
8. A. play
B. pay
C. fly
D. buy
Sakti : Good morning sir!
Teacher : (9) …
Sakti : How are you today?
Teacher : (10) …
Teacher : (9) …
Sakti : How are you today?
Teacher : (10) …
9. A. Good morning
B. Good night
C. See you later
D. I am fine
10. A. Nice to meet you
B. Good morning
C. I am very well
D. See you later
Barrack Obama
Barrack Hussein Obama is the 44th United State presidents he was born in Honolulu, Hawaii, on August 4, 1961.
When Barrack was a little boy, he lived in Indonesia until he was 10. Then, his family moved to Hawaii, and lived with his grandparents. He liked to be called Barry when he was younger.
After high school, Barrack moved to Los Angeles. He finished college at Columbia University in New York, and then moved to Chicago. He went to Harvard Law School in Massachusetts and became a lawyer in 1991.
His wife in Michele Obama and his daughters are Malia Ann and Natasha Obama.
11. When Barrack Obama was a kid young, where did he live?
A. Jakarta
B. Los Angeles
C. Honolulu
D. Hawaii
12. What did Mr. Obama like to be called when he was young?
A. Obama
B. Barry
C. Eric
D. Oby
13. How old is Barry now?
A. 70
B. 64
C. 50
D. 54
The text number 14 to 16
How to make Pandan Cake
- 8 eggs, ¼ cup thick coconut milk
- 6 egg whites, ¼ teaspoon of salt,
- 175 gr. Sugar, 3 spoon suji extract, or green food coloring
- 180 gr. Flour,
- Boil coconut milk, salt, suji extract in low heat, then cool them
- Mix egg and sugar until mixed
- Add flour stir gently
- Add food coloring stir gently
- Add the cooked coconut milk, mix it evenly
- Pour the mixture to cake pan inside
- Bake until done
14. The text above tells us how to …..
A. Serve the Pandan Cake
B. Make the Pandan Cake
C. Boil the coconut milk
D. Bake the Cake
15. Which one of the following ingredients is needed to make Pandan Cake?
A. 8-10 pine leaves
B. ¼ teaspoon of salt sugar
C. 30 gr. Rice
D. ¼ teaspoon of brown
16. Boil coconut milk, salt, suji extract in low heat. The antonym of the underline word is …
A. Small
B. Little
C. Big
D. High
Dear Juliette,
All the hard work you have put, all the sacrifice you have made, has finally paid off.
Congratulation on your success to be the winner of the speech Contest for Junior High Level 20011! We are proud of you.
Student Union Organization
17. Students Union Organization congratulates Juliette on …..
A. Her winning in the speech contest
B. Her sacrifice be a junior high students
C. Her hard work to join the contest
D. Her final goal to have a high level
Text for number 18, rearrange these sentences into a good paragraph.
1. Dea is thirteen years old
2. She is also very helpful to her friends
3. Her hair is long
4. She is diligent and kind
5. She is not fat
6. She is tall
2. She is also very helpful to her friends
3. Her hair is long
4. She is diligent and kind
5. She is not fat
6. She is tall
18. The best arrangement is ….
A. 1-6-3-5-4-2
B. 1-3-5-4-2-6
C. 1-6-5-4-3-2
D. 1-2-4-5-6-3
How to make Tikka Kebab
1. Cubes of lamb
2. Squanes of green paper
3. Onions
4. Salad
5. Tikka’s seasoning mixture
2. Squanes of green paper
3. Onions
4. Salad
5. Tikka’s seasoning mixture
1. Cut onions into quarters
2. Put cubes of lambs, squares of green paper and onions square on bamboo skewers and marinate the in Tikka’s seasoning
3. Grill them
4. Serve them with a salad( curry like seasoning from India)
2. Put cubes of lambs, squares of green paper and onions square on bamboo skewers and marinate the in Tikka’s seasoning
3. Grill them
4. Serve them with a salad( curry like seasoning from India)
A. To inform how to serve salad
B. To explain how to make salad
C. To explain how to make Tikka kebab
D. To discuss how to make cubes of lambs
20. What does the word “them” in step 2 refer to?
A. Cubes of lambs and onions
B. Onion bamboo skewers and salad
C. Squares of green pepper and onions
D. Cubes of lamb, onion, and squares of green pepper
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